Reservation Enquiry

The Baillie Lodges Reservations team is available to assist with your travel planning from researching the destination through to booking a stay.

New Zealand number: +64 7 378 5791
Australia number: +61 2 9918 4355

Alternatively, please complete the form below.

General Enquiry

For all general, careers, press and media or sales enquiries please complete the form below, call Baillie Lodges on +61 2 9918 4355 or contact us by post: PO Box 596 Avalon NSW 2107 Australia.

To speak with a guest in residence please contact the lodge on +64 7 378 5791.

Spa Booking

Browse the range of treatments in the Spa Menu, add your preferred treatment(s) and complete the form to request a spa booking online. We will contact you to confirm your booking. Alternatively, call the lodge on +64 7 378 5791. Please note, the Huka Spa is reserved exclusively for in-house guests. Spa bookings are subject to availability and the lodge recommends booking in advance to reserve a place.